fronting now...
hello! i'm PJ/pepper-jasmin (it/its, zhe/zher, he/him), a 23 year old autistic lesbian whos been interested in coding since 2010 - though i was much better at it back then, somehow.

i decided to make this website partially out of disdain for the ever-chaotic state of most other social media, and partially because i wanted a space on the web where i could put literally Anything i wanted without judgement or fear. i'm still teaching myself to code, and it's really fun - and rewarding!

me, i'm a writer, artist, and creator. you could not stop me from creating if you tried! i've always been artistic to my core - i mainly do poetry, creative nonfiction, fiction (usually short fiction), digital art, and sculpture, but i'm trying to get into other forms of art like sewing, music production, jewelry, video games/interactive fiction, and zinemaking. i'm always seeking to expand my creativity and have fun with the world around me and i have a lot of current projects.

i'm severely mentally ill, physically disabled, and a (heavily polyfragmented) did system. these things impact pretty much every aspect of my life lol, and these themes show up a lot in my work too. i'm working on about pages for each of my main system members, but there's A LOT!! it will be up sometime this century.

i have 3 cats named ryleigh, athena, and astraea, 4 fish, and a german shepherd-lab named ember. i really love animals :)


food: cheese enchiladas

drink: iced coffee with vanilla

animal: cow

tv show:: babylon 5/doom patrol

band: bloc party

song: ice machine by depeche mode

album: intimacy by bloc party

go back home
you can email me at ghostpepperhotsauce[@]!