RULES AND INFORMATION! 1) No bigotry allowed. If I see any transphobic, racist, homophobic, ableist, etc. content on your site, I'm not going to put you on here. No exceptions. Go away.
2) Hand-coded personal sites only. You're fine if your site uses a template - this rule just means no social media sites, no carrds or carrd clones, no rentrys, or anything of that sort. Sorry!
3) Use the widget! Put it somewhere on your site - doesn't have to be homepage, but should be Findable.
4) Be conscientious. I do not list harmful people, but still keep in mind someone being on this webring does not mean I or any other member agree with the beliefs of everyone listed here. We're all individuals.
Also, this is my first attempt at a webring, so there may be some bugs.
If you have a concern about a member or a question about the webring, you can email alienembers@proton.me.
5) Adult content on your site is allowed AS LONG AS it is appropriately warned for.