Perpetual Grilled Cheese


2 slices of Brioche bread
2 tbsp butter
2 tsp Apricot jam
2 slices Brie cheese
1 holy vision cycling backwards (make sure that when you see everything that has been loved and unloved and loved again, you understand that we are all returned to the universe when our time is up to become figures of tragic serendipity) (make sure to remember that we were gifted this realm to be close to each other, to function in harmony, to help the world as it helps us, a drawn and unraveled symbiosis)
1 tbsp crumbled goat cheese
2 nonsequential epiphanies


Spread butter on one side of each bread slice. Mourn.

Thank your ingredients. Experience your epiphany. Mourn. Cycle backwards. Experience. Mourn. Witness it. Mourn. Whisper to your jam as you rewind: “Hello ancient hominids caring for their ill. Hello mother bird feeding her young. Hello prehistoric seacreature that is so vast and wondrous and neutral...Hello dinosaur. Hello my lover’s likeness carved into stone. Hello and goodbye.” Mourn.

Spread your jam between the slices of bread. Mourn. Place bread into skillet, spread Brie onto bread and top with goat cheese crumble, mourn again, experience your second epiphany. Mourn the optimism you felt moments ago.

Recognize what has been lost and what never may be found. Remember that the universe is only gentle in its lack of attachment, that the landscape of nightmares we’ve painted with our own tools can never wash away. Cook sandwich until golden brown.
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